12/15/12: The List

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Firstfruits; Who says, "Repent"?; What you get here; That prayers be heard; Oppression of neighbors; When sick...; Unspotted; Real men and women; Real persecution vs mild inconveniences; Contract, or thievery!; Where men repent; Might have to be crucified?; Created systems vs the "Known and Recognized"; Settling disputes/forgiving people; Not politically active, and...; Virtue; Faith included with weightier matters;Smaller, but more power(full); Golem, and the (whole) truth; Virtue and Knowledge; Hopelessly enslaved; Free, under God's authority; Only way back; Fruit(full); Everywhere – taking care; Fathers, teach your children; The WHOLE truth; "'Black' Muslims"; No sheep in Christendom; Key element to freedom; Eyes open; Repenting of false preachers; Vir...tu...ous??? leaders; Raised w/o fathers; Leaders in offices of rulers vs leading in service/virtue/righteousness; What's being left out of "The Gospel"; Divine intervention; Already dead, if...; "Strengthening" means..." Region of ignorance; Own family's NOT first?; Nations can exist through...; Guard enemy from oppression; Giving/loaning so folks can engage in self-indulgence(s); "Species of property"; Present-day HS students vs 1st 5 questions in a 1945 math book (SHOCKER); Just believe?; Constitution falls short in these ways; Anti-Federalist Papers; Unicornis Existamongus; Take time to study; Actual servants; Shining example; Best survivalist tactic.

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