12/17/11: Authority, Liberty and Lies - Part II
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Kingdom of God = Right to be ruled by God, Eating from the Tree of Life, Coming to the knowledge of Christ, Meek ministers, Sticking your neck out, Worshipping words, Very good false prophets out there, Choosing ministers, Private interpretations = denominations, Magic words?, Are you willing to be hated?, Bringing the light, God teaches us through the Holy Spirit, Doctrines of Christ = what He said, And converse, Electing PCMs, HHC e-mail groups have a purpose, DOers in contact, Striving to be in one accord, The upper room, The all-important John chapter 3, What "world"? What's in a name?, Truth/Light circle, Deeds made manifest, The SO simple gospel, Jesus baptized?, All about TRUTH, Getting on the record, You can't conjure the Holy Spirit, Holy Kisses, Call no man "father" (patri), Honoring your parents, Making God's word to none effect, The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, Beliving without faith, Being His disciple, Congregations of Record, Keeping your word, Knowing a good minister, Intellectual Christians, Repentance, Who do you love?, Watching for quicksand, Having eyes to see, Pentecost after the resurrection, Rome's recognition, Stop being Sauls, Israel = Where God prevails, Are you Israel?