12/19/20: 1 Thessalonians 4

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What's missing in community?; Communion = taking care of needy; Celsus - antagonist to Christianity; Ambrose; Rebutting trolls; Fake good news; Christ's mission; Capitalism; Thessalonians - what to understand; Self-organizing community; Shutdown: who's being destroyed?; Why?; War on Poverty; Arguing with fools; How to build a temple; Strengthening community; Golden calf; Band of Brothers; Sacrificing for neighbors; Taking back responsibilities; Unhewn living stones; Our pious duty; Removing the scales from our eyes; Exousia = right to choose; 1 Thes 4; Exhortation; Sanctification; Fornication?; Opting out; 1 Thes 4; Vessels; Does our walk honor Christ?; Practicing pure religion; Concupiscence?; Coveting; Desiring benefits at the expense of others; All have departed from Christ - just a matter of degree; Working together for community; Having a network to turn to; Who are brethren?; Fondness of Honor; Temptations of Christ; Re-righting the world; Are you asleep; Stoning?; Raising from the dead?; Saul's downfall; People's choice to elect a man to fight their battles; 1 Sam 8; Making your life great again; Fornication = idolatry; Creeping socialism; What weakens community?; Gifts of being pure of heart; Meeting in the clouds?; Our Father; Time to network!

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