12/19/20: 1 Thessalonians 5

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Reviewing 1 Thes 4; People who sleep; Taking away sight; How to look for the kingdom; The awake can work while others sleep; The dead in Christ; What's already happened?; How to not betray Christ; "Caught up in the clouds"; Removing scales from our eyes; Covenants of the "gods" - of the "world"; "cloud" - nephele; Forgiveness works!; Celsus' monologues; Social Security realities; Christ's solution; Beware private interpretations/distractions; 1 Thes 5; Seeing the signs; Treasure in your hands; Blood flow through the body; Becoming children of light; Casting out demons; Power vs service; Thinking righteously; Woke or awakened?; Temptation of power; Snares of the adversary; Prayer for what?; Lottery story; Holding fast to what is good; What's "evil"?; Onward to 2 Thessalonians; 2 Pe 3:10; Elements and rudiments; Angel = messenger; Conform to God's message.

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