12/21/13: The Mark of God
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Before times of judgment/condemnation; How got in trouble in the first place; Where's the real conflict; Evil can force to do good, but product will be evil because...; THE dividing line; WCG and others as illustrations; Holy Matrimony; Because they were sinners; What keeps from kingdom of heaven/God; Determining factor of the free; Characteristics of who's headed toward hell or heaven(?); Ministers need read "Temptations of Christ"; Elders to have ministers as servants; The part we play in tyranny of mankind (how and why); "Straighten out your knees"; Let's check one another; "Elders" of every family are key; Ubuntu "contribution-ism"movement; Flow happens (be sure heading right direction); Devil knows sacred texts - better; Church can become Satan's greatest tool; Christ's minister's are only titular; Reason Early-Church was persecuted; We love Jesus sooo much; What kind of mark is Mark of Beast?; Essential characteristic of Christ needing be in us; Aligned to realm of God, when...; Be aware; Baptism as a testimony; The distinction (and motivation); Understanding temples; Driven by (what) purpose; To whom to turn; Justin the Martyr's account (and, what if we're not doing that?); Contrast "civil" (public)" vs "private" religion; Folks beginning to wake up; Book, "The Lives of the Saints" (to know why Christians were persecuted); "God" meaning to Romans, Hebrews, and Greeks; Their purpose, and for whom?; Example court case against Early-Christians; "Worship" described (!); Most Modern-Christians have done this; Make straight the way of the Lord; All things possible with God; Who's heart/spirit (mark/character) in you if reject that idea?; Unless you want to be Christ's "disciple" (minister trainee); Turn 'round - start heading back now; Be on guard; Gather. There will be all kinds. Forgive them; Submerge self in the flowing, giving, nature of Christ ("no greater love than...").