12/21/19: Hey Jude
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Comparing news outlets; Trump narrative; Investigating facts; Making actions "sound" terrible; "Corruption" explained; People believing what they want to believe; Knowing the truth and providing for it; "Hey Jude"; Who is "her"?; Forgiveness releases the chains of bondages; Your forgiveness is NOT their absolution; Forgive that you may be forgiven; Bible not for private interpretation; Backroom politics; Electing rulers is not your salvation; Fellowship of Christ; Melting ice; Bible is full of metaphor and allegory; "Metaphor" defined; Who to believe?; Spin; Saul and David; Oregon's illegal office occupation; We want all to repent; Timothy, Titus and Jude on liars; Gender dysphoria; Christ healing sinners; To be whole, see the whole truth; "Corruption" defined; The corrupt want you to be like them; Come to do good for others; Word of God is witnessed to in the bible; How to corrupt you via the bible; "Religion"; Lev 22:25; Unmooring meaning from metaphor; Deu 4:16; Saying "Lord, Lord" is not enough; The "way" of love = righteousness; Ez 20:44; What made America great?; Killing Levites; Ways people can overcome corruption; Jude; Who?; Encyclical; "Mockers"/"Scoffers"; Wanting the forbidden; Jude a learned individual; Sanctified/separate by God; Jesus (guy) Christ (king/anointed); Church = those called out to serve; "Saints": the new Levites; Depicting Old Testament contrary to God; Lasciviousness for Christians; Correcting corruption within self; Bondage of Egypt; Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah; "Body of Moses"; "Brute beasts" - who?; Jude reminding the people of the Way of God; vs way of Cain/Balaam/Core/Nicolaitan; Christ didn't come to make you comfortable in your sin; Spotted feasts; Enoch and the Saints; Jesus' instructions; Finding the salvation of Christ; God hates the spots in your religion; Identify your spots and repent from them; Caesars were also called "savior"; "power" of glory = "exousia" = right to choose; Dry bones come together; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Seek to become the light; Take the time for your neighbor; Praying to fathers on the earth; Wake up!; Think a different way; Being righteous with unrighteous mammon; YOU have to change; Nicolaitans, do new deeds; Build temples of living stones.