12/23/17: Fellowship
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What is the "world"?, Translators have distorted author's intent, Can you hear God's intent?, Why we educate, Greg Boyd's message, Witnessing same events differently, Gregory's turning point, The "Humility" key, The Ten Commandment benchmark, Desiring benefits taken from neighbors, Followers Christ lost, Overcoming, What about the Amish?, Pure Religion, Red Heifer, Corban, What did the Early Church really do?, Parable of the sower, Should the Church be organized?, Davey Crockett's story, U.S. vs Israel, Choice vs force, The golden calf, Why be loyal?, Are you under delusion or just have bad information?, Spiritual kingdom, Christ's name, What should be our destination?, Where is our comfort?, Caring for widows and orphans, Raising up better altars, Beyond block parties, The right doctrine of Christ, Remaining true to Christ, Constantine's church, Why Christ died, The real Israel, The "process" of becoming Christian, Not blood but faith, Getting ready to be the Kingdom, Garbage helper story, Are you an altar of God's temple?, Did Constantine corrupt the Church?, FDR's Social Security, Bundy mistrial, What grace have you?, Covenant continuity, Why do Amish wear black?, The bride and wedding feast, Rich Christ made himself poor, Being there for our neighbors, Dressing and keeping, Making room for the Holy Spirit in your heart, Loving those who don't love you, "Retreat house" idea, What made America great?