12/26/20: Stimulus to Hell

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Many under strong delusion of being Christian; Elements of the world; "New World Order"; Evil since the Garden; Blinders on you; Whole truth or not truth; Vaccine efficacy?; Defending accepted lies; "Stimulus" article; What Jesus said about it; Stimulus - something causing a response; Stimulating by lies; Mass hysteria; Coming out from darkness; Dominion voting machines; ID and racism?; Ecc 11:8; Unwillingness to see the light; 5000 page bills; Source of stimulus money; The "I paid in" myth; Cursing your children; 1913 Federal Reserve act; Can't be "rich" and in debt; Blame is not divisible; Sense of meaning; Our power to choose our response; Anger habit; Time to choose; Situational awareness; Consequential loss of liberty; Christ said not to be like them; What world we are leaving our children; Luke 1:79; Spirit of destruction; Power of righteousness; Overcoming temptation; As you judge, so shall you be judged; Malachi 2; Meeting righteous need; Other peoples' money; Jesus' unique way; The (social) contract; Creating the alternate choice; Tribe of Levi; Keeping choice available; Iniquity; "Church" = called out; Term limits?; Is the word of the Lord in your pastor's mouth?; The table of Caesar; What's the true solution?; Jer 33; Abundance of peace and truth; "The real destroyers of liberties…"; Social Security realities; No separation of funds; Humility over vanity; Seek the big picture (whole truth); "partial" in the law; Who's your daddy?; Providing for neighbor unspotted by the world; Abomination in Israel; Jeru Salem (double peace); Result of your action; A life of righteousness; Dividing your religion; Repent - go another way; Realize the temptation toward unrighteousness.

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