12/30/17: Testing Faith
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

End of calendar year evaluation - am I closer to the righteousness of the kingdom?, No need for works?, Paul and Peter and James and John's view, Saved from what?, Modern Christians not listening to Christ, Are you Paul's "we" and "us"?, Caesar as commander-in-chief, HHC audios augment articles, We connect many dots for you, False preachers tell you saved when on Paul's "list", Two trees, FDR in the bible?, Christ's plan vs Modern church plan, Michael Hudson, Sin and debt, Big bang vs God - which requires more faith?, Israel's bondage in Egypt = 20%, Your bondage?, Let "my" people go, Abraham's many souls, HHC book offerings are free, Romans 13, Making us great again, What the Pharisees did wrong, What you can do for Christ, First Christians were Jews accepting Christ, Government of God, Firing moneychangers, Your job to know Christ, Subject to higher right to choose, The wedding feast, Excuses not to come, Luke 14, Forgiveness is key, Beating hedges, "Highways" and "hedges" explained, Where's my wedding garment?, Christ's burden for you, Practising Pure Religion, What to do right now and what not to, Jesus and Jubile, Rich Christ made Himself poor, Loaves and fishes, Coming together, The Ten Commandments and debt, How to remove eye scales, Ministers and pedestals, No slothful ministers, 2008 bailout fiasco, Loosening the bands of the fist of wickedness, Prager U's "ten statements", What is right?, The way - the truth - and the life, Are you hiding from the truth about you?