12/31/11: Peculiar People

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Queen Elisabeth charters with East India, Corporations and incorporating, Early Church holding property, Can't conjure the Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God = power to the people, Debt = bondage, US bank bailout - who did it help?, Early Church vs the "world", How to get back, Titus and what to look for in a pastor, Church vs State, Religion again, Wycliff's bible, Church as a separate government, Christ came to serve - roll up your sleeves, Future echos the past, "Owning" gold, Why the Roman Empire feared Christians, Bible translations for "peculiar", Meaning of "faith" in God, God hasn't changed, Gathering around Christ - Living Network, PCM = Living connection, Why join?, Elders defined, Righteous habitations, Finding Christ in the Kingdom, Titus 2:14 and "peculiar", Levites belonged to God, Wise charity, Bishops (episkopos) defined, Appealing to the Holy Spirit, Repenting from insurance, Rebuilding the Early Church, How dependant are you?, Surviving Freedom, HHC FEMA active in Colorado, Connecting in good times and bad, Keeping your word (honor), Congregations of Record - records are important, Roman Centurian, Bands of brothers - no oath of allegiance, Honor and honesty, No selfishness in the Kingdom, Prison ministries.

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