12/7/13: More on the Mark

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Society gets itself in trouble; 3 generations for families, average (for what?); Who to believe; "Religion" controlled by civil government; 1st-Century Christians doing something different; Temples (think: civil government's religious buildings[?!]); Same problem faces world today; Progressive Socialism; Walking 'round the elephant; Way down the path; "Pure religion" is simple; Giving vs love (passion for righteousness); Can you name Jesus' "weightier matters"; What to expect to see in last days; Creating bonds necessary for a free/broad society; Tested and tried ; Who's the Anti-Christ (doesn't really matters so much as...); When faith in piety perishes...; Church used to be the social welfare for the people; The Early-Church and the landscape of that time; Schemes; Piety maintains society; Take-up the way of Christ; "Testimony of the Twelve Patriarchs" quotes; Original canonical books hand-written; Translators had tremendous power; Conforming and belonging to Christ; "Looking Through the Looking Glass" quote; Understand history; What conquers us (greatest destroyers...); If you want to save society...; Covetousness leads to idols; The "ultimate prepper" solution; Example of Prasutagus and Boudica from that time; Turning people into "bread"; "Covetous practices, cursed children"; Sabbath not about a day[?]; Massive debt upon birth; Repentance makes a place in us for "Mark of God"; When the middle class is gone...; Consequences of covetousness; Pandemic taxes and welfare; Scribes (accountants); Herod's baptism into his "kingdom of god"; "Stamps"/"badges" used for numbering back then... what now?; Peace on your house.

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