2/1/14: Unusual Subjects
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

US citizenry; Public schooling; US passports, and denouncing Christ(?); When Calvin Coolidge napped; Home schooling – how to; Networking together; Global warming talk; If you took that oath or have a passport; Repent; America's problem; The truth of "religion"; Osho; Developing importance/value to others; Successful manipulators; Viewing extreme cases to learn and guard against the process; Sophistry; True worship - who's really being served; Osho's heroes; Addiction to words; The draw of "sucking" spirits; Protection from controlling religions; Lies that shock; Worse with US than with Rome; Examples of evil loving its own; Self-destruction has many a name/face; Christ finding a (true) home in our hearts; Gather and strive together within the living network; The real, or a created, conscience; Good to know if/when screwing up; Osho quotes – deceiving; Giving, alone, is not enough; If don't repent; Know what religion (and pure religion) means; Warning: drugs open doors you can not close; Benefit (and potential ills) of meditation; Some similarities of charlatans; Intent; Revisionist religionists; Known by fruit(s); Osho's problem with government; Reward/results/fruit of loving people vs selfish people; "Needy" vs " 'repentant' needy"; The recompense for sin (jump-starting of the kingdom); Seek and bring together those striving for KoG; THE fruit; Slave religions; Standing, thinking, "I'll can never get there," gets nobody, nowhere, fast; Intention matters (what's ours?); None saved by rebellion; Know what/how to prepare for; Million things could be doing... together; The flow of that stream; Seeing truth of/and accepting responsibility for own sins and need for making Red Heifer sacrifices.