2/1/20: Which "Whole Truth" Do You Want?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What are the keys?; Bible = worldly book read by flesh and blood; Wanting to know the whole truth; Humility important to kingdom-seeking; Binding and loosening; Forgiving trauma; Societal standards of morality; Pertussis and vaccines; Polio and vaccines; Gauging immunity; Strengthening your immune system; Strengthening society; Corporation takeovers?; Why can't people see reason?; Why stop taking oaths; Chemotherapy statistics; Survival of the fittest?; Stuck mindsets; Which "whole truth" do you want?; Kingdom of God is an actual government; Repentance = change of thinking - to what?; "Holy" defined; Doctrine of Christ; Your love for God; Gaining immunity to evil; Cause/effect reality; Cursing your children with debt; Church is one form of government - Christ's; Denying Christ's authority; Feeding the 5000; Who is the "Church"?; Bible in depth; 1 Sam 8 government; How to get God to hear you; Dooming yourself; God's not mean; Preaching pure religion; How Christ loved us; Ephesians 5 revisited; Walking around the elephant; Praying for need fulfilment; Your image of Christ vs "whole" Christ; When America was great; Local homeless survey; Church's concerns for local government; Biblical rules for having rulers; Your actions bear witness to your heart; Are you being righteous?; Free governments require responsible people; No authority to change Christ; Understanding "sin"; Coronaviruses; Compromising immune systems; History repeating itself; Paul's lists of non-inheritors; "Fornication" as a metaphor; What was happening in the temples?; What Christ appointed; Most ministers doing as Christ forbid; Becoming unselfish; Ministers facilitating love; Paul's international ministration; Dishonoring Christ = filthiness/foolishness/jesting; Putting this all together; Learning by doing; Ministering like Christ.

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