2/10/18: Placing Puzzle Pieces
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Today's problems same as in the beginning, Adamah, Life's destination is the journey, Catastrophic events, Seeing the Early Church in modern terms, Watering the desert, The welfare of the world, Voting in the kingdom, Why modern preachers avoid the Tens, Hundreds and Thousands, The conflict of Cain, 666 and the SSN, Charagma?, Is taxation theft?, US Code vs Law, Codes within codes, 666 has sisters, Food rationing, Man's government doesn't love you, The Holy Spirit has all the pieces, Christ gives you options, Receiving loaves and fishes, The government of/for/by the people, Christ's kingdom transfer, Why Moses was hid in the bulrushes, Socialism lowers birth rates, votive offerings, "Church" is not to comfort you - Holy Spirit is our comforter, The job of "minister", Symposia, Christian families and government, Overcoming covetous practices, The guy with the bad back, Why congregate?, What do YOU need to do?, Think like Christ, The Happy Plowman, Can you congregate if not in the same room?, The Living Network, The socialist spirit cannot enter the kingdom, Seeking righteousness, Forgiving government, Is Christ in your nature?, Thinking a different way.