2/13/10: Thy Kingdom Comes series - part 5
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"Thy Kingdom Comes" written in response to the question from "Covenants of the gods", "Government" in the Bible, "Abortion" in the Bible, Marriage as an institution of God, Democracy vs Self Government, Virtue, Don't make covenants!, Apostate Churches, HHC Booklets online for FREE, Have YOU been faithful to Christ?, Iconoclasts, Christ came that you MIGHT be saved, What is Righteousness?, The actual First Commandment, The virtue in Early Rome, Power in the Church, Communion of People, Structure of the Kingdom, Why would government want you to be free?, Good "sheep story", Samuel's warnings, Strong Delusion - you're not free!, Saul's salvation, Gideon's virtue, Biblical kings, Possession of the foot, What is Heaven?, Value of the Family, John the Baptist, following God's guidelines is your choice, jobs of the minister.