2/16/13: Not So Secure Socialism

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What works/not works, Kingdom of God is/is not; It's the "gospel of the kingdom"; Part of Paul vs all of Paul (the whole truth); "Socialism" defined (with warnings); Ministers as distinct; Every man returned to family/possessions; How network works; Why Christians burned in N. Africa; Gotta believe in heart and mind; Not pure religion (but your religion); Marks of God/beast; Public schooling costs; What you have in common with bottles of whiskey and ballgame tickets; Find people who actually care; Cognitive dissonance vs cognitive disconnect; "As old as the pyramids"; Completely off-guard; Still waiting for the strong delusion?; Understanding the problem... enough; Faith, or death; Back in early 1900's...; Not going to change overnight; Share (charity/love); Old widow living in a shack; Christ wasn't impressed; Which way you running; True treasure of the kingdom; People save people; Working at what's real; Christ's doctrines – enough (for His purposes); Regarding world's system; What to do – whether you can be free or not; How been conquered, and the effects (already happening); Clever way to beat a rioter (hopefully not you); Who are God's people; Christ's "Secure" social security – as secure as one's faith in God; The truth vs what's written and what's said in "casual conversation" (big oops); The oath you're "assumed" to have taken; Oh, and, about that "one purse"...; No truce-breakers in God's kingdom; Altars of flesh (but without the blood); Faith, hope, and charity (alone); Grandfathered in; Loyalty that must be secured through military or forced benefits, and prayers that require invading other lands; Repent, come together, and participate; In touch w/PCMs; No time to waste; Festivals and follow-up; Strive in seeking kingdom; Becoming suitable for a more righteous habitation.

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