2/17/18: "Paganism", and Other Labels
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

How to determine truth, What influences thinking?, "Evil" defined, What drives shooters, Capgras, Lies behind labels, Comfort and the kingdom, Christ's earthly kingship, Levites and The Church, Moses' statutes, Adultery, common sense?, Treating autism, Who will lobby food?, Salvation is spiritual, Rev 2:9 and 3:9, Having another king, Sitting in Tens, Everyone has a religion, Essenes, Herod's baptism, A spirit of violence, People putting on persons, Why go to church?, Traitorous translators, What's wrong with taking government benefits?, Brain rewiring, Moses' 70 men, Cities of refuge, Emotions vs evidence, The job of the Sanhedrin, Emotion counterfeiting spirit, What's not important, Why people act like children, Your life of trauma, Repenting to love, Righteousness!, Paganism, Polytheism, Teutons vs Romans, The Tens model, Constantine's counterfeit church, Christ's way to liberty, Charity!, Want to know the antichrist?, Giving geometric shapes power?, Did Caiaphas repent?, Blaspheming the Holy Spirit, What grace have you?, The Union and Discipline of Christians, More on autism, Recognizing forgiveness, Peace from the Holy Spirit, Fixing families, Feeding His sheep, Finding His sheep - they'll be sitting down.