2/18/12: ARE You Saved?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Can you be saved?, What does it even mean?, From which "Tree" do you eat?, gods many, Moses' system, Cities of Refuge, Ancient Israel's big mistake, Modern Jews, Christians, and Muslims all repeat it, Socialism is not loving your neighbor, Repetition of 1 Samuel 8, What about Pure Religion?, Knowing who Jesus is, Satan's twist, Today's wicked servants, Seeking the kingdom, Social Security explained, Bringing morality to an immoral system?, Another way you say?, Faith in action, Can you be forgiven? Sin = debt, Christ's purposes, Salvation and grace and works, Where do you stand?, James on salvation, Beating your neighbor, Praying vs answering prayers, The devil believes, Abraham's friendship with God, Pagan temples (Mars, Saturn, Ephesus...), What "name" will you call on to be saved?, Conjuring?, Why gather?, The power of congregations, Christ WAS king - like David, Kingdom not of this "world", Who's your Lord?, No king but Caesar, Pilate's proclamation, Christ's government of, for, and by the people, Available RIGHT NOW, DO! DO! DO!, Find others to help, Amish without the "look", Christ's doctrine, Paul echoed Christ, Restoring the kingdom to Israel, Capitalism vs Selfishism, Is Jesus REALLY your lord?, What can you do?, Opting out, Prayer in the Early Church, Careful understanding of Acts, Building the lifeboats, Enduring to the end, Who then can be saved?, "We'll pray for you", Promoting family values, Why Christians were persecuted, Knowing the real Christ, Striving for the strait gate, Why are you afraid?, Retaining your rights, The devil made me NOT do it, Getting this message out, Unmooring Christ from His message, Socialism is Anti-Christ, The fall of invincible Rome, Finding the remnant, Follow the ways of Christ or you're not saved, Prayer in action = the Living Network.

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