2/2/13: Lifeshare
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Short study on "Study"; In "image of God"; Not in pride; Adam's other (greater?) sin; Point where transgressions turn to death; Why the "flaming sword"; Turn around to face The Truth; Multiple evidences (sins) resulting from this single transgression; Vain babblings Different places on the same road (headed away from Christ?); "Tree", – an OT perspective; Repent first; THE solution to THE problem; The only power we have; Ways Good Samaritan medical share system falls short; Gonna do something different; Medical share vs Insurance (and the gospel of fear); The kingdom way vs these others ways – performance in hard times; The discretion of Christ and the human element of divine compassion in answering prayers; Where Christianity got into problems (mostly); The two ways countries keep people in line; Seemingly, "'anti-social' behavior of Christians"; Small connected groups of families; That's why it's called, "faith"; Healing power of Christ's virtue; Excise taxes applied today, and what that is/means; The key is...; Responsibility in Whom to pick, and in what to give; Heart's doors open to Christ; What you've been given...; Strengthening the needy; Two kinds of folks notice when you're good at this; KoG working foremost in your lives; Reasons in bondage today; The world's many public religions vs Christ's private one; 1st day=1st work day; Other duties of Christ's government besides "religion"; Doing good = seeking righteousness = (these critical [critical] aspects); If no real needs today, then what?; Gospel of the "Christian conflict"; As long as there's wicked in the world...; To participate in the system of Christ; Helping people a thousand miles away; Flowing network of an on the ground, directly personal, chain of charity; World does better job than most claiming Christianity; Need to do better...; Sharing with others who are striving diligently; Explained in law; Gathering together in free assemblies; The Eucharist strengthens; Most prominent in history of man; How build real relationships; To build each other up; The reality of negotiating medical bills through Christ's system...; (Un)realistically comfortable; Sharing opens hearts, and...; The living network.