2/20/10: Thy Kingdom Comes series - part 6 (Disconnect from 11:40-12:40)

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Meaning of Words - the Devil's greatest deception, Baptism of Christ - set free from laws of Pharisees, Family and child behavior, Early America strove to seek God's government, Property Tax = usury, Baptism of Herod, the Pilgrims and charity, The REAL forefathers, What sets man free?, Patrick Henry - the barefoot lawyer, "beast" nature of government, Strive to be like Christ - WWJD, Pentecost, Lifeboat example, the Character of Christ, unrighteous mammon, Christ loved Peter even when he denied, Government in Christ's Jerusalem, Herod's promise to Messiah, Thanksgiving = Eucharist, Abraham's journey, surviving freedom, Communities without Kings, reign for 1000 years after Christ, the Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abram and Brahma, What was Abraham doing that made him the man of faith?, Altars of living stone, Casting bread upon the water,

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