2/22/14: Free Justina!

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Justina's father goes public after year-long battle; What signing into a hospital means; Applied "Rules of Justice" passed down through ages; Dealing with real problem of interpersonal relationships; Some case details; The "Saul Syndrome" - why/how governments have too much power; Picking on the weak; The "right" armor; The year with literally no summer – what causes something like that?; Can we admit we've been wrong?; Our mindsets create; Intent makes the crime; Demonic ambition/connection; Anger and judgment; "Resist not" (what that means); Festivals of ancient Israel; What charity is; Ways we (don't) deal with stress; Join Living Network (freely assemble); Bound/loosed on earth, bound/loosed in heaven; Nature of the Golem/The Beast (in us); The life giving flow, or "Mem"; "... that you might (MIGHT) be (MIGHT BE) saved."; Repent (really [can't fool God]); Be set free (love, give, forgive); Dealing with the stresses of life that, in ignoring, gives life to the Golem/Beast; Hating unrighteousness, or loving righteousness? (is the question... and the answer!); Givers receive...; Start meeting with others and becoming the assembly of God in your area.

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