2/23/13: Destroyers of Liberty

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Hierarchy vs "Christ-archy"; Judging fatherless/cause of widows; Can't be cut in half; With this intent; There's an "achy" in Christ's church; Two, or more; Socialism defined; Rank in KoG; Love created(!) by...; "Salvation"; Simple and real; Historical documentation; Two different systems – from the beginning; Just think, if... ; 1913, '33, '70; Legal title vs beneficial interest; Complexity of mankind; Just a few degrees off; Ranks of service; The plan that can set you free; Individual elders of congregations; Top down vs bottom up; Wrong from very beginning; Love neighbors as self and tending to weightier matters; Figure it out!; What's your testimony; Kingdom thinking. You think?; Hierarchy vs higher-service; Loaves of bread and sacks of grain; Examples of extreme charity; With whom to gather; Key building block of KoG; Allegiances of love and alliances of faith; The "70"; After the war... the war continued?; Bonds of loyalty and honor; Ministers you can trust; Taking on responsibility of government; Why the "Living Network"; Bunk!; The real record; What about Enoch; "Whited sepulcher" "form of godliness" vs "The power thereof" "to choose"; Free assemblies/free society; Who exercises authority in church; Totally exempt, if... ?; Doing the job of priests and kings; Need public servants to do this; Mathematics of world vs of KoG; Equal weights and measures; "In the nick of time"; The more added who come in spirit of Christ, the more who will... ?; Every minister should know about this; If you're gonna take this up, then take it up!; Until we meet again.

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