2/29/20: Good Information
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Manipulating your actions by historical ommissions; Learning "good" cultural norms; Pharisitical interpretation of the Old Testament; JFK vs modern democrats; Acceptable values promoting free, healthy society; Sexual revolution; Dooming society; What can YOU do?; Communion explained; via Church; Your real priests; How to help the poor; "Church" legally defined; Roman Imperial Cult; This system continues today; Self-destructive spririts; Old Testament proper interpretation; Strengthening society Christ's way; YOU have to do it - bottom-up; One form of government; Church "rituals"; No ear-tickling; Are you DOing what Christ said?; Virtuous characteristics; Repentance = thinking like Christ; Christ's kingship; Scholarly articles; Free government; Thanksgiving of Christ; Next steps; Local networking; Christ's one command to men; Illustrating the incorrect way; Changing Religion; Christ the denominator.