2/8/20: Christ: More Than a Wafer

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What's in your heart?; Permanent sterilization of 500,000 girls in Kenya; Coronavirus; Immunity without symptoms; Willingness to inject toxins into your body/thinking; Salvation is not collective; Foundation of Christ's Church; "Holy Spirit" explained; Vaccination mechanism; Patterns of The Way; "Forgive them not?"; Impeaching Jesus Christ; Christ's pattern for His kingdom; Sharing the gospel of the kingdom; How to know you're following the Holy Spirit; What are doctrines of Jesus?; Mimicking the Early Church; Becoming doers; vs Modern Church doctrines; Saved by Grace - no formula; Networking synagogues; Explaining "Corban"; Vessel-moving; U.S. State of the Union address; Poisoning liberty; The Way to return to liberty; Imagining Holy Spirit; Multitude of counsellors; Ukraine investigation; Fourth branch of government; Christ is more than a wafer; Forgiveness illustrated; Left/Right concept; Seeking righteousness; Joining the network; Losing liberty; Tending to Christ's "Weightier Matters"; Why socialism is bad; Pharisees' sacrifice made word of God to none effect - how?; Coveting defies salvation; Taxation is NOT theft; Laying down your life for others; Is your church Christian?; How Christ's Church operates; Justin's apology; Gauging Church performance; Thinking like Christ; Being separate from the world; Faith in action; Charity without discretion is a sin; Where to begin?; Who was Justin the martyr?; Violence done on your behalf; Constantine's church origins; Baptism without repentance; The real sin of Sodom; Bureaucrats make poor priests; How a free society operates; Church form of government; Healthy food; Creating unbreakable bonds of love; Born again; Performing the ministry; "Liturgy" = public service; Avoiding snares; Walking with God; Socialism breeds selfishness; Conforming to Christ's pattern; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Attaining life more abundant and liberty under God.

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