3/1/14: Living as if the State did not Exist
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Our own doing; "Call no man 'father'"; How much taxes actually paying when considering everything?; "If voting changed anything..."; Breaking the bonds of images ("None are more hopelessly enslaved..."); Swede, Daniel West; When "Something for nothing" is a basic moral foundation; Where your SS payments go; Check our moral code (what's it borne out of?); What it would be like with actual freedom of choice; Thinking with principals of the Gospel of the Kingdom; "Force" not necessarily really stealing; What chance do we have today; "Infinite monkey" theory; Allowing repercussions for righteousness (and unrighteousness); Redefinition of history through public schooling; How the State needs us to be and remain dependent; The "tens, hundreds, and thousands"; Make yourself friends with your neighbors; Getting caught up in the righteousness of religion; Survive and thrive as did Early-Christians during decline and fall of Roman Empire.