3/16/13: Heights and Lows

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Pervasive use/application/(side) effects of mind altering drugs/cycles; Of hate/anger/fear vs forgiveness; Understanding intellectually vs in heart/mind; "Melancholia"; Thinking changed by chemistry (or other way 'round); Revolving/devolving cycles; Manic-depression reaction, bio-genetic factors, and physiological and social influences; Substance addictions; Dealing with – or covering up; Genetic sin factors; Where(in!) the problem lies; Problems exchanged (roulette) vs what Christ preached; Cognitive disruption; Environment, and the role of choices; Above, and not vulnerable to; Solution for severe emotional trauma reaction; Healing - from source, or secondhand; Most powerful tool in your arsenal; With whom you identify; Distracted from knowing Christ vs living by faith (obedience); Dr. Breggin; Addictions which lead to bondage; Alternative to drugging self/children; Kinds of bondage; Process of being set free; "Tav" of God; Ritalin example; Collective unconsciousness/denial; Quack-like critique of Breggin's work; Enthusiastic, energetic, imaginative teachers; School subject matter/social structure enough cause for removal; Rampant misdiagnosis and overuse of unnecessary powerful drugs w/tremendous side effects; Help w/o resorting to drugs; How far reaching;"Dump-truck" load shipped... daily; Drugging/farming out children ≠ a solution; Educate others; Structure!; Good psychiatrists in minority; Egregious errors hard to admit; Up the dose ∞; Lasting addiction; Help and community support to withdraw; Dis-inhibition, and loss of impulse control; Cure needn't addict; Many other options; Power of words... alone; Nature of Christ sets you free; Addiction as bondage; "Pride" addicts; Humility, sacrifice, charity and forgiveness sets free; Get educated/understanding; Share and gather w/others; Spirit of Christ is service.

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