3/17/12: Banking and the Kingdom
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Guest: Don Terry of the "Agenda 21" radio show -- Being more than "right" - "righteous", Revelation book - many levels of understanding, Christ's "weightier matters", Golden calf = central bank, Discovery in foreclosure cases, YOU create money, Wrongful foreclosures, Requirements for bank standing, Stall tactics, Banks too big to fail?, Commodity money, Credit Unions vs Banks, Corporate courts, Corporate governments, Waiting on "tables", Temple of Ephesus was world bank, Learning from past mistakes, Accounts without numbers, Knowing the customers, Standing for righteousness, Trust laws are changing in all countries, Passport oaths, The mark of God, Why go to church?, "Agenda" video, Turning from the Mark of the Beast, Character of Christ, We don't all need to be crucified, Letters of Creedence, Israel Country is not Israel of prophecy, Govermnet should be in charge of making money - but you should be the government, Identification by testimony, The alternative system, Upcoming "Burning Bush" festival, No "wait-a-minute-men" needed, Don't work - don't eat, Eschewing selfishness, Your gods aren't listening to you.