3/21/20: Remedies and Solutions

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Remedies and Solutions; Things you haven't heard; Overcoming the world; Reasons for persecution; Coronavirus realities; Medical marshal law; Flawed testing; Gasoline surplus; Who's religious?; The will of the people; Corrupt government officers; People's lack of knowledge; Liberty vs license; What should the peoples' government be doing?; Beware the media hype; Denmark's method; Killing viruses?; What works?; Reacting to virus; Body awareness; Natural godly talents; Stress and diet; Sweating it out; Laying on hands; Vaccine methodology; Mother's milk; Spreading immunity; Thwarting herd immunity; Economic repurcussions; Sunshine and fresh air; Additional remedies; Good news; Seek righteousness.

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