3/31/12: What is it to be a man? What is it not to be a man?
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Real men - where have they gone?, Spiritual revelation, What is truth?, Witnessing, God's opinion is reality, A little more on Pilate, The "image" of God, Losing dominion, Walking dead, Dressing and Keeping the Garden, GMOs, Man's destruction of men, Breathing life, "Help meet", Naked and not ashamed, The fall of Adam, Government of responsibility, How to become a "real man", Personal Contact Ministers, Internet security?, Servant nature of God, Proverbs 31 and men, Adultery, Real Women, Tree of Life, Law nailed to the Cross?, Accepting responsibilities, God is forgiving, "Fig leaves", Deciding to be wise, One flesh - no ruling over, Are you under "law"?, Becoming merchandise, Adultery = Idolatry, Fleshy fruits not of Christ, Electing rulers = rejecting God, Falling to temptation, Real men and the Holy Spirit, Claudia (Gladys) and (uncle) Paul, Dating - the big lie, Men as terrorists, Know your King, The government of, for, and by the people - not US, Succumbing to temptation, How not to go wrong, Becoming "real men" again, Look to early church, Sweet smelling savor, Keeping commandments, Giving thanks, Buddy system - times ten, Walking with the living, DOing the will of the Lord, Following Christ not Nimrod, Man vs Husband, Neighbor's neighbors, What's your job?, Honoring father and mother, Righteousness is key, Calling no man father.