3/5/11: Whirlwind Tour and Contact Ministers

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Whirlwind Tour Schedule, Living Network modelled after Early Israel and the 1st century church, Why should I choose a Contact Minister?, Kingdom thinking, Holy Matrimony vs Marriage, Cain's folly, Structing the Kingdom, Job description for a Contact Minister, 1 Cor 13:3, Agape = love/charity, Our fragile society, YOU are the government that should take responsibility, Misunderstaing "names", Purposes of ID cards, CMEs and the power grid, How you have been lead astray, Generating interest for the Whirlwind Tour, How quickly technology grows, What is our priority?, "Grass roots" networking, Pearls in the congregations, Letting God be your god, What do you have to offer?, "Kingdom tracks" - home schooling, home health, Community Supported Architecture, Identifying the motives, Join us on the Living Network, law makers vs public servants, Returning to "the Way".

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