3/7/20: Critical Theory vs Critical Thinking
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Who's making the history books?; Graduation without understanding; Social Justice critical theory; vs Critical thinking; Pure Religion needs to be understand; Are you easily deceivable?; Are you humble enough to accept challenge?; Critical Theory defined; Liberating human beings from the circumstances that enslave them; Pied piper; Qualifying for Christian persecution; Taking the next step; Critical Thinking defined; Facts (Inconvenient truths) being omitted; Jesus forbade socialism; Government of, for and by the people; Loving thy neighbor; Philosophical approach to culture; Examine ALL the facts for righteousness; Being a minister for Christ; Corban/Qorban/Korban; Not to be that way with you; Egocentrism; Sociocentrism; Church = Kingdom = one form of government operating by faith, hope and charity; Modern Church's anti-Christ practices; Social Justice via a moral path; Socialism available to you right now!; No tyranny in capitalism; Vengeance is the Lord's, not ours; Seek righteousness; Theory of Oppressed/Oppressor division; Black-wanted separation; Christianity is not self-denial; Coping mechanisms; Being thankful for opportunity to give; How does your soul prosper?; 2 Tim 3; Love self, and neighbor equal to self; Culture-driven dysphoria; Covetous practices; Preach whole gospel or a lie by omission; Pious performance of your duty to your father and fellowman; Public religion; Tactics matter; Christ's commanded organization; Bondage of Egypt - you've returned; Repressive tolerance; The "oppressed" want to stop you from speaking; Christianity illustrated; Cursing your children with debt; "Milk" is not enough; Changing oppressors; Avoid changing in appearance only; Bringing light to a dark world; Critical thinking is an individual process; Elders/Ministers have no authority in The Church; Appetites for benefits obtained by force; Ascending from our savage nature; James 2:5; Loving Christ and His Ways; Salvation becoming a reality.