4/11/20: The Road Back From Fear

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

No more concerning than common cold; Virus process complexity; It's the economy stupid; Conspiracy; Loyalty to truth; Jesus the Christ - the only leader not overcome by power; Followers of "The Way"; God's plan; Worst contagion = fear; T-cells; Exosomes; Vaccine process; Correlation vs causation; Isolation lengthens pandemic; Kingdom of God is an ingenious system; Righteousness begets safety; Knowing them by their works; Selfishness disease - antithesis of Christ; Who's your savior?; Vaccine salvation; MOST are already immune; Incentives for coronavirus diagnosis; Death by ventilator; Cellular communication; God's plan = you well NOW; Exosomes and viruses; Antibodies; Protein keys; Christ's problem-solving network; Keeping communication open; Who cares for YOU?; Zinc; Hydroxychloroquine; Getting zinc into cells; Avoiding enzyme inhibitors; Dying from symptoms; The solution; Prayer - requires action; Kingdom of God is a government; Caring for neighbor; If you had a network; Suicide increase due to fear/anxiety/hopelessness; China immunity without vaccine; Sharing research; Profit-seeking spirit; Passing immunity?; Lymphatic system - movement driven; Spirit driven?; Love with physical action; Becoming a light unto the world; Social distancing citations; No hiding from coronavirus - or fear; Sharing exosomes of immunity?; Body reaction to invasion; Built into creation; Invading ideas; Zombie Apocalypse here already - no mind of Christ; WWJD?; Set up your own socialism - by choice; No forcing others; Private enterprise works better than government; All are people - what spirit do they have?; People lacking knowledge - on viruses; Epidemics every year; Let thy food be thy medicine; Be ready to speak intelligently in love; Purifying the body; Self-filtering by light; Christ's way; Whole truth so they might be saved; Anger comes from within; Practice religion.

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