4/13/13: Romans Continued
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Expelled from Rome; Many sects; OT, just as clear as NT!; What Paul really said; Yes, Yes/No, No; Baptism of Herod; Pacing off fields; Freewill offerings; Roman Christians understood things; Supreme Court declares; Taking from children; Work, then rest; Form vs precept; Civil altars; Repent/be converted; Personal sacrifice; Ship wreckage; "Touching the hem"; Bear with, not break down; In faith, alone; Best way to "make aware/edify"; Willing to be crucified – and remain righteous; Like-minded with Christ; Paul quotes OT (again); Hope vs entitlements; No new gospel; If would start, strive, and continue, then...; Left foot, right foot...; Obedient? Yes, but in …, not in...; Grassroots – up; Only ritual to be seeking; The "saints"; Corporation of Christ; Be the temple; Reason lives are in shambles; Face to face; Burning Bush Festivals; Building up the people; Still living like unbelievers?; Circumcision of heart; Together – as true body of believes; These guys were industrious; One form of government; Women as ministers; Know who's really walking walk/talking talk; Tremendous system of daily mail; Learn whom to salute; Meaning of "sacrifice"; Way of sacrifice and righteousness; Self-tax; Simplicity of GoK; Have we repented/changed?); Mark, and avoid; How long will we be simple; Hear hue and cry; … in all aspects of our lives; Home-teaching (w/others if need be); Bruise Satan; Bye-bye; With whom to gather; Hopeless (except through Christ's Way); Israelites who stayed in Egypt; Obedience; "Society" according to Bouvier; Consistently, continually casting our bread...; Following in way of Christ; Walkin' da walk; Translates to in-home relationships.