4/18/20: Bad News about the Good News
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Body of Christ - in, but no of the "world"; BC Roman army all volunteer; Most centurions never drew sword in battle; Temple of Janus - project investments; Roman republic looked like Israel; Of, for, by the people; Decline 150BC; "We The People"; Corporations and golems; Federal vs State and County; Militia by statute: well-organized; Surveying in early America; Constitutions don't grant rights to people; But you may waive them; ex: prisoner; No right to take life from others; Have you done that?; Parking-lot church example; Covenants, Contracts and Constitutions; States foreign to each other; "United States" separate; Louisiana Purchase; High percentage of Indians died from European diseases; Diseases are part of life cycle; Disease = identity issue; Your body's militia; Mercenary doctors; Militias in the kingdom (body of Christ); Loving your neighbor; Schools without tuition; Waiving liberty for benefits; Covetous practices/wages of unrighteousness; Social Security; Federal bankruptcy; Our path toward destruction; Federal persons; Repeating history; Worse than Egypt; Christ's commanded network of pure religion; "of" Christ's Church OR of the world; Why we gather; Unrighteous mammon; Workers of iniquity; Replicating lies; Broken down by light; To whom do you pray?; Remedies for good health; Padding coronavirus death statistic padding; Irresponsible Oregonians; Reopening society; Bringing light unto the world; Podcasts; Virus hysteria has gone viral; Staying healthy and spiritual influence; Drugging cells; Polio replication example; PCR tests; Shedding immunity; Protecting the vulnerable; Medical and Health systems - different; Medical about control - taking away choices; Suggestions for handling disease; Ready access to information; Others become as important to us as ourselves; Proper spirits; Modern churches drugging with "feeling good"; Sunlight and fresh air; exercise; Kingdom (body of Christ) network like body network.