4/20/13: Mysteries of God's Kingdom

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Available in spiritual realm; Way back to Tree of Knowledge; Something to realize; No need for ID card; Not distinguishing. Conforming; Psycho analysis; Egos attached to civil society; Physical and spiritual egos/DNA; "Author of 'Excousia' "; Did not do away with debt; Song of Moses/Lamb; Brothers in bondage – where/how?; Who's fault; Just the opposite; The righteous way; Can't pretend; "Conversation" in the "world" and affairs of the KoG at hand; "Faith" defined; Including rich and middle classes; A personal and well regulated charity/welfare; The KoG within; Answer to all problems; Loss of freedom expands; Many never heard this; Non-violent incorporation; Shared responsibility; Guilty!?; "Sovereignty" as sin; Our right to choose for ourselves (to give away our rights to choose for ourselves); "Miss-teries" of God; Diminished capacity; Our fault; We don't own it; Can't prohibit right to contract; "On a regular basis"; Gave our power; The unpopular constitution; Employment regulated by US; Contracts are powerful – can just unmake them?; Pay Cesar; If we can't do this, then...; Never should have elected Saul; Responsibilities back first; Past Constitution; False hope/security; Still wanting benefits?; Liberty is personal/not found in despotism; Curses!; Seduced away; What need focus on; Records of testimony; The law is spirit; How to serve God; All we have to do; Become enlightened from within.

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