4/24/10: Kingdom of God - the basics
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

The Kingdom of God is for the living - not the dead, Who are ministers of Christ?, Government of Power vs Government of Service, "Tithing", "Liturgy" defined, Is your church based on service?, Owning all things in common?, Is it incorporated?, "Under" the IRS?, Where do you send your needy?, Was Christ a King?, Is he YOUR King?, "Mammon" defined, Thy Kingdom Comes book, What is the plan?, Be not only hearers of the Word, but DOers!, The vanity of words, Do you keep your word?, God's word?, The best decievers, Ministers and Orders, the secret of the Kingdom..., In but not Of, "in tents" vs "intense", overcoming deception, You've been taught to look to the world - repent, and look to the Kingdom, Characteristics of ministers, Grow up!, Why will the world hate us?