4/27/13: Churchism: Hidden in Plain Sight - MUST HEAR episode!
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Without information...; Coming to terms: "Cult", "θρησκεία", etc.; A careful look at the bible and history; Many won't understand what was just said; Why God commands this; The whole picture; If that's the case, then...; The truth is...; Essence of a minister of God; How Peter made a living; The consequences of baptism; Calling on the "name"; Difference between Christ's church and all other cults; What we say vs what we do; Token giving that makes us feel good; "Pricked in their hearts"; To Whom do we apply (pray); Love, not force, neighbors to contribute; Promise is to us and our children, if...; Put out; "Ekklēsia" defined/described with example; What they were doing before; Washed, and pickled; The kind of office draws that kind of person; Kicked out vs called out; Christians persecuted for this...; Who's promoting His doctrines; The Way (back); Need for assembling; Killers of charity; Key to abundant life; Freewill offerings; Uniqueness of (true) Christian community/society; A lot of work to do; Who's to exercise authority in Christ's church; Definition of a lie; The cloaking of evil; The locusts; Seeking the right to be ruled by God; True alms giving; Different words for "Judge/judging"; About doctrines of Christ; "Licking the hand"; Finding others willing to serve; The answer; The important thing...; What made them brother and sisters; Can't understand scripture without understanding these things... (and reading it all); To church – for everything; "Lord" means "Sovereign".