4/28/18: Seventies and Sanhedrins
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Kingdom of God is at hand for the living right now; Spiritual, not emotional; Warnings of Peter, Paul, James and John; Straining at gnats; "Alfie"; Evidence of salvation; Noah's God; Syrian gas attacks; media-driven minds; Christ's trial before Pilate explained; Traitorous translators; I AM; Pharisees of the Modern Church; Which Israel?; Christ's truth; Noah's righteousness; We're not perfected yet; The sins of your father; Ten Commandments as guideposts; Seventies and Sanhedrins; The New Antifa; Choices you have; Jews accepting Jesus; "No king but Caesar"; Ranchers and ranch hands; Kingdom mechanics; Miracles amongst seventies; Congregating; belonging to Christ; Obeying your Father in Heaven; "Destroy" in Genesis 6 (Noah); Dressing and keeping; God's healing power; Roman games; Unconditional love?; You can't save yourself; Escaping the Tree of Knowledge trap; Being naked in the garden; Measuring the temple; Rising above the maze; Jordan Peterson; The creative, holy spirit.