4/6/13: Sacred Scripts
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Mindset of Christ; Bible interprets itself?; Full truth vs chinks in armor; Forms of godliness; Reading bible vs having understanding; Righteousness is righteousness, and God is God; Doctrines of modern churches; How get closer to God; The "Rod"; Reason to not send children to school; What about the Apostle Paul; Writings hidden from Muslims; Spoken well of only once in bible; Property taxes sufficient to pay public schooling, etc.?; What saves more lives than anything; Maxim of law; Audio series on Romans; To find the truth; Can Spirit dwell in our hearts; Alt. societies (within societies) to steer lukewarm; Contracted away rights; Nature of bondage; Jus Naturale; "See 'Master/slave' "; Pays interest on debt only; Not Dathan/Korah's route; What's in us; How this works; Think Kingdom; Following Prophets, or Spirit inside; Fundamental/prior rights – and access(?) to; Our kids, or not; Forgive... set Lord's table; Taxes represent...; "Okay." "Okay."...; Just as guilty; Riots in the streets; Repentant hearts; Home-teaching; Stop/Start; Your church Christ's Church?; Doing different/now; Key to kingdom; On right path?; The flesh/blood we're to consume; Memorized, or written on hearts?; Words=letter of law (that kills); Satan's mantra; Idols of Christ in mind; Sign whether repented; Admit wrong; Can't beat sheep to submit; More willful acts vs submission to Way of Christ; Two laws; We say it, now gotta see it; We do worship them; Political statements; Idōtēs; Creed of US vs the table of the Lord; Two powers to set you free; To want to – unhesitating; Imagine; Gleaning in field at night for straw; To free selves and enemies; Judge Learned Hand quote; Living network begins in-home; The "give"-"forgive" link; (For)giving is what it takes.