5/13/17: Ordinances - MUST HEAR Episode!
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Preterism/prophecy, end times, meaning of religion, making contracts, name of God, gardening, weeds, soil, famine , roundup, genetically modified seeds, starvation, social welfare, pure religion, church is not about the building, Hebrew words, the way of Christ in precept and principals, spiritual health and stress, gluten, diet soda, home churches, the ways of Christ, deciding to seek a relationship, spiritual mechanics, prayer, spirit of satan is alive and well in the church today, the ways of God, research vs service, How you repent or turn around, meaning of ordinance in the bible, giving for the right reasons, caring for the needy through charity and not force(covetous practices), invest in the kingdom, guiding people back to the ways of righteousness, proverbs 13.