5/18/13: Christians and the Kingdom of God
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

"You keep using that word"; Any real scholar of biblical studies should know this; Politics of religion; Political correctness in archaeology (too); Spiritual/physical realm; Molded by associations/relationships; DNAR (Do Not Attempt Resuscitation) law; The word (or vibration, frequency, DNA) of God; Clearing up the confusion; Christ's gospel (of the kingdom [of God]); From THE beginning; Cain vs Abel; "Mark of" (read: character of) Cain/Beast vs "Mark of" (read: character of) God; Definition of "terrorism" and why we fear; Love of God; Fractal networking; Sacrifice of one's being for others – the DNA of Christ; Willing... to... be... crucified?; Key to life; "Prayer" (immersion in will of God) vs "The great temptation"; What means to be a Christian; Ẻξουσία under God; Choose life; "Armor of" (read: character of) God; Every cell (with a life of its own) within network of communication; Disease and confusion within our DNA; Drawing out what resides within; Path of Cain; "Drag" of unforgiveness; How the beast gets power (over us); On His Path, or in our own way; Many wrong turns; Where Christ wants to lead us; Providing daily ministration; SS as "Corban of Pharisees"; Let the light in; Only two paths; Claiming vs knowing; Whole message of Christ (even the inconvenient stuff?); Law of Anglos vs civil law; Christ's church defined as "one form of government" – Black's Law Dict.; Employee/slave connection; Way it is in world today; Word of God – to effect, or to no effect; Strengthening the poor; Finding others – for others; Scars will heal; The flow around you; Connecting to sacrifice of Christ (through our sacrificing as did Christ).