5/2/20: Who Cares?

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

What makes "news"?; Crazy 2020?; Who cares?; Epidemiologists say…; Reducing world population?; Difference between "world" and "planet"; Speculation vs evidence; Asymptomatic = Healthy person; Grease vs syrup; COVID death numbers; Convincing people they've been fooled; You have consented; China's one-child contract; YouTube censorship; Polio vaccine -> cancer?; Doing what Christ said; Changing your heart; Fire departments; Choosing to be self-sufficient; Romans 13; Tyndale translations; Pride opens the door to being fooled; Believing in the real Jesus; Guidance from Holy Spirit; Preacher disconnect; Why you're not free; 2 Peter 2:2; Right reason = Natural Law; Ethics and hope; Degenerates; Business are essential; Offices of power; Christ's instructions; Prayer power; Knowing who to believe; Serology tests for COVID-19; Control via fear; What can we do?

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