5/30/20: Mechanisms Destroying Society (Proverbs 6)
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Insane rioting in the news; No more hue and cry; How do we get to this point?; Illustrative story; Zombies; Recent police brutality and reactions; Bible big picture; Loss of justice; What caused a mindset change?; Mechanisms destroying society; Burning Rome; Fomenting violence; Living at the expense of others; Australian socialism; Erring like Pharisees; International shutdown abuse; Polybius; "New World Order"; God won't hear your cries unless…; Perfect savagery; Christians in Rome; Marcus Aurelius; Revealing Christianity; Signs of degeneration; "The Lucifer Principle"; Gold-star parenting; Symptoms a byproduct of evil; Evil/darkness is absence of good/light; Modern Christians with blind guides; Christ's revolution/regeneration; Modern Church preaching culture of Cain; Reducing human population; Brood care; Power in white coats?; Prov 6:6; Being wise; "Wisdom" = inspired by God; Friends and neighbors; Striking hands; Befriending unrighteous mammon; Oregon's unique situation; Removing blinders; Sluggards; Tribute; Dueling governors; The "way" forward; Rulers vs overseers; Becoming subjects; Beware of comfort; Shutdown fallout; Fake virus -> fake race war; Kingdom difference; "Bobby" example; Electing power lovers; Being Christian!; Prov 6:12; Naughty winking; Mask hysteria; Access via compliance; The finger of tyranny; God hates…; Proud look, lying tongue, hands shedding innocent blood, heart devising wicked imaginations, swift feet for mischief, false witness; Corban; Making the word of God to none effect; Running towards evil; Sowing discord; Living the commandments; Making your "yes", "yes"; Seeking the kingdom of God and His righteousness; Nicolaitans; Study history to know the future; Follow the Holy Spirit; Tithing = freewill offerings; National adultery.