5/5/12: Fishers of Men
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Becoming fishers of men, Christ's instruction to "strive", Kingdom of Heaven for the living or the dead?, Zombies, Just believe? Even the devil believes, Not those who say..., How do I know you are saved?, Saul Alinsky and the modern church, Why Christ came, What's your part?, Parable of the two sons, Paul's politics, Romans in Judea - why?, Pilate's ruling, Whited sepulchres, Why seek the kingdom?, Back biters and truce breakers, Conversations in the upper room, Redemption, Nimrod's hooks, Coming into one accord, What about the commandments?, The baptism of Herod, Jesus a socialist?, Seeing your bondage, Dealing with it, Moving forward, Repentance is key, Gathering in congregation, The path to redemption, Peter's mistake, Making your "Yes", "Yes", Making network connections, Evidence of redemption, Are you forgiven because Christ died on the cross?, What is Redemption?, Recognizing charlatans, Legal title, Tens, hundreds, and thousands, Setting your neighbor free, Titular ministers, Altars of stone, Boasting vs witnessing, Constructive contention, Church credit unions, Congregations in action, Casting loose the slothful, Paytriot schemes?, "Covenants of the gods" book, Knowing you're redeemed, Public affairs in the Kingdom, Feeding Christ's sheep, Social salvation, Fitting stones together, Blasphemy, DOing is required, Upholding sinners, Purpose of PCMs, Tithing according to service, Foolish questions like "Are you saved?", Forgiving to be forgiven, Becoming a team, Qualifications of kingdom-seekers, Christ accepts us - not the other way around.