5/8/10: Heaven and Prayer

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

The meaning of words - babble, words Heaven = Ouranos = Sky, Frame of reference for Bible reading, Is Christianity division or unity?, Religious "Heaven", not definite like math translations: two = deu = dos = zwei..., No good translation in English for "Ouranos", People in Christ's time were more intelligent than we give them credit, Location of Kingdom of Heaven, Did the Jews reject Christ?, Who do you pray to?, How we are like God, Paradise Lost, Why aren't humans free?, Repenting, The "Adversary", Every election of man is a rejection of God, Satan's seduction, How do men get dominion over you?, Church Government, What does God want?, When will God hear my prayers?, Physical vs Spiritual reality, How do I get to the Kingdom of Heaven?, Bearing witness, Being still, Proverbs 23 before Psalm 23, The "tares" are everywhere, "Man as he ought to be", Don't get distracted, Choose who you will serve.

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