5/9/20: Not Acquiescing
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Comprehending world events; Why study history?; Humanity-altering bill; Mankind linked back to creation; "Shutdown" idea; Article II, section 22 article; Kate Brown not Oregon governor; Preparing You website; Bible about government; Campaign finance realities; Christ = anointed = king; THE question to be asking; The WAY of Christ; Not deciding good/evil for you; 1980 law: government "servants" can do their own thing for profit; Discoveries of Louis Pasteur; Natural immunity; Bovine coronavirus; Dumbing down of schools; How to make life choices; 1980 Bayh-Dole act; Lacking knowledge; US Constitution illegally ratified; Hamilton's philosophy; Jefferson's philosophy; Fallout from shutdown; 50+% on the dole; Serology tests for COVID-19; Shedding immunity; "Plandemic" video; Shutting down information sources; RNA vaccines; Bacteria everywhere - hot or cold; Intelligent design; What's your role?; Social distancing prolongs virus; Mislabeling deaths; Debt = bondage (of Egypt); Dr Josef Mengele; Dr Anthony Fauci; Why you are under tyranny; God's way of freewill choice; Christ's "command"; What's "church", anyway?; Polio's disappearance; Bill Gates and world population reduction; Preparing You to think for yourself; Achieving good health - your choice - right now; Explaining Christ's WAY; Viral message to Christians; Polio vaccine and cancer; Censors; Holy Spirit guidance important; "Do no harm"; Vulnerability of the aged; DNA activation; Strengthening your immune system; Explaining high COVID death rate; If Christians were doing what Christ said…; Covetous practices making you blind; Cultivating the spirit of love; To whom do you pray?; Sanhedrins; Power-mad politicians - empowered by you the people; Moneychangers; Building your own prison; Not acquiescing; Seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; Christ the king; No food production margin; Hear the gospel.