6/1/13: Christians and Real Religion

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Christianity – NOT a religion (what!?); "Religion" defined – today, and in 1913, and in 1856; What should have been for your welfare... ; It's not stealing (but it's still covetousness); Until John the Baptist... ; Gotta do a little overtime; Why Christians were persecuted (what Christ was really saying/doing) vs temples of Corban of the Pharisees; Ceremonies, or actually fulfilling our duties; What the "needy" really need; Repeat; Obligations to fellow man; Good "therapy"; Heal breach in the land; Essentials first; Staying afloat in world flooded in covetousness; "Piety" relates to our Father (Which? Who art in... where???); Spirit of "outcome based education" running amuck; The Way to freedom; Find someone you trust/tells you the truth; Care through faith/hope/charity; Not going to public religion/welfare offices of the day; "Augustus was sensible..."; How/why thinking relates to freedom; Care of all real needs (even without "miracles"); Pure, private religion – still legal (so far); Know which God/god you love; The Way out; Start taking steps; "Pignoration" defined and expounded upon; What we've been doing (needs to change); Two roads – same road, different orientation/direction; Kind/type of religion (road) determines direction; Saturninus; Historical explanation of Christianity; Romans Study (link to audios); Two sides, one coin; Have to forgive (and can – if we come together); Strive!; Purposes of tithe; Can only say, "Hopefully"; Grandchildren in public school?; Would not apply (pray) to public temples; Investing in KoG; Freewill offerings is The (only) Way.

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