6/20/20: Legal Charity

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Why rioting?; "Racism"? Slavery - few were black; Real problem: family breakdown; Coronavirus review; Improper treatments; Questionable reporting; Testing anomalies; Google biasing; Truth about racism in America; Faulty statistics; No systemic racism in US; Violent crimes decreasing; Recent looting = violent crimes; What's causing rioting?; 50% of all US murders are black's killing blacks; "Legal charity"; When was America great?; Statistical points of view; Rolling back statistics; The real destroyers of liberty; Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah; Plutarch and Polybius warned us; What the Gospel actual says; Actually following Christ; Who owned slaves in America?; Who wants to know the facts?; "Social Democracy" or "Communism"?; Look for the process behind current events; 90% of black murders are by blacks; Omission of good is as reprehensible as the commission of evil; Strengthening the poor; Beyond statistics; Nothing to do with skin color!; Think about the cause; It may be within you, too; Modern Christians not following Christ; Using man's government to care for needy; Why not standing up for neighbors?; "Rat Park" study; The drug before the drugs; The original gift from God; Christ's "way" to liberty; "Beast" identity; Driving evil from your community; 250000 die yearly from medical mistakes; Ventilators come with drugs; Contributory negligence; Covetous practices have made you merchandise; 0 evidence of racial bias; Christians wouldn't need a police force; Keys = wisdom of Christ (many voices); Booker T Washington; Lacking love for neighbor - not a Christian; "Religion"; Gathering as Christ commanded; If black lives really matter…; Cultivate charity; FDR election shift; New Deal prolonged depression suffering; "Legal" charity; Corban of the Pharisees; Cloward and Piven plan; Criminalizing wanting to work; You don't have to wait!; LBJ War on Poverty; Polio correlation; Fixing broken families; Ceasing to be moral removes you from Christianity; Transitioning back to Christ; Family = only institution of God; Repent!

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