6/20/20: Racism

Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Is racism statistically a problem in the United States?; If not, what is the problem?; Riots in Christ's time; Is it Corban?; Modern Church Pharisees; Disarming police; "Black Community"?; Enemy wants you divided; Most "blacks" are just like most "whites"; Stop feeding the anger through your narrative; Christ's "Nationalism"; Romans 13; Lawmakers; Ekklesia called out; Sanhedrin without force; Are you following blind guides?; Pharaoh's power source; Knowing where you're at so you can repent; The scolding of Davy Crockett; How we're weakened; Protecting neighbors' rights; The forgotten sin; Difficulties of being free; Early Church organization; Private Religion; God gave us Liberty; Thinking like Christ instructed; Letting the Holy Spirit be your guide; Christ's specific instructions to His ministers; Misinterpreting Torah; Wages of unrighteousness; Salvation is individual; Acts of the apostles; Joses; "Legal" title; Your bondage; How to get God to hear you; Why Christ's followers fell away; Believing in Jesus inspires action; Socialism is incompatible with Christianity; Destroying others' statues is stealing; Golden calf; Christian response to rioters; Individuals have power - in righteousness; Can YOU understand?; Robbing widows; Keep perspective.

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