6/22/13: Civil Religion
Keys of the Kingdom - Podcast autorstwa Brother Gregory

Words can have multiple meanings, and if someone is regulating the definitions, then... ; Privileges vs rights; What one believes (thinks) vs does (and how); " 'Pure' religion" – in a whole new light; " 'Civil' religion" referenced often throughout history; Role of religion; Nothing in treasury of substance except... ; Repetition of lies; Store up treasure in kingdom; What "temple" means; Reason Celsus and others opposed Christian movement; Impure religion (Corban of Pharisees, et al); "Augustus, was sensible..."; Tav (mark, faith) of God; Social welfare introduced in Rome, % on welfare at Julius Cesar's seizure of power, and more; " 'Patre'-ism" and the perpetuity of debt/bondage; Expatriate (leaving our father [the State]) – to where???; Promoting values of Christ, or taking Christ's name in vain; Jezebel; American civil religion; Nothing more scientific than bible?; Similitude of religion of Christ and civil religions; Difference between history and labels; Beyond words themselves – to understanding concepts; "Endowed by our (re)creator(s) with (very) unalienable rights privileges"; Whom we pray to (prey on?) for benefits; Duty to our Father and congregation of Fathers (wow!); What keeps us together; Loyalty by love; "Private" religion; Only way to become free; Revolution... of heart and mind; FM micro radio stations; Meats offered to idols/strangled and connection to gods many; Knowing history/meanings of words, and changing way think words mean vs vain philosophies, ideologies, and eschatologies repeated over and over; Matters of law, judgment, mercy and faith; Zombie land; "While the world standeth"; "Cult" comes from word meaning... ?; Providing by faith, hope, and charity; "Wherein ye stand".